关 于 comment是什么意思_comment的用法的知识大家了解吗?以下就是小编整理的关于comment是什么意思_comment的用法的介绍,希望对大家有帮助!


1、comment 评论


2、com-, 强调。-ment, 思考,词源同mind.



2、comment: [15] In Latin, a commentum was originally ‘something invented or devised’. It was derived from the verb comminiscī ‘devise, contrive by thought’, a compound formed from the prefix com- ‘with’ and a base *men- (this also produced Latin mens and mentiō, source respectively of English mental and mention). It was used in the 7th century by the Spanish theologian Isidore in the sense ‘interpretation, annotation’, and it was with that meaning rather than the original ‘contrivance’ that the word passed eventually into English.=> mental, mention, mind

3、comment (n.)

4、late 14c., from Old French coment"commentary"or directly from Late Latin commentum"comment, interpretation,"in classical Latin"invention, fabrication, fiction,"neuter past participle of comminisci"to contrive, devise,"from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + base of meminisse"to remember,"related to mens (genitive mentis)"mind"(see mind (n.)). The Latin word meaning"something invented"was taken by Isidore and other Christian theologians for"interpretation, annotation."No comment as a stock refusal to answer a journalist"s question is first recorded 1950, from Truman"s White House press secretary, Charles Ross.

5、comment (v.)

6、early 15c., from Middle French commenter (15c.), from Latin commentari, from commentum (see comment (n.)). Related: Commented; commenting.

